Yarns of the Year Collection


In 2015 we started a series which has come to be one of our favourites. Join Kay as she charts a course through her year in yarn, picking out her favourite yarns of that year, whilst telling you why she chose them!


So what are Kay’s favourite yarns of 2016? And most importantly why are they her favourites? Click ‘Watch Now’ for her full disclosure.


The moment has come to crown Kay’s favourite yarns of 2017. Click ‘Watch Now’ for the complete low down on who’s made her list for 2017.  


Join Kay for the very latest in her series on the best yarns of the year. Who will make the final cut in 2018? Click watch now to hear who has and how they did it!


Can you believe its time to announce Kays top five yarns of 2019? Hasn’t the year just flown and this has been Kays hardest decision yet! Who’s made it? Click watch now to find out!


Join Kay for the very latest in her series on the best yarns of the year. Who will make the final cut in 2020? Click watch now to hear who has and how they did it!


The moment has come to crown Kay’s top five yarns of the year! Who’s made it? Click watch now to find out!


Join Kay for the very latest in her series on the best yarns of the year. Who will make the final cut in 2022? Click watch now to hear who has and how they did it!