In 2017 we launched our electronic magazine, Knitability. Every eight weeks we publish a new issue, featuring interviews with designers, interviews with shop owners, articles, reviews, free patterns and more. Knitability is FREE to all Bakery Bear Patrons, we are though delighted to make our first issue of 2019 available to everyone now! Just select issue 17 from the list below, follow the ‘Read Free’ link and it will be available for you download immediately.

Issue 53
We get the year started off in style with our ‘Winter’ edition of Knitability. Designer Emyleah Newbery drops in for an interview, we also chat with yarn dyer and maker Shelley Dupont. There’s articles from Dan and Knitability Editor Jenn, two patrons join us for some special features and we look forward to the year ahead!
Issue 52
Our seasonal special issue is available to read right now. It is the perfect way to get ready for ‘the Bakery Bears Advent Calendar 2024’! There’s a gorgeous pattern from Kay, Dan share’s a story from Christmas 1983, Jenn writes about her love of Yarn Advents, wonderful designer Leslie Howard joins us for interview plus we have some tremendous articles from our Bakery Bear Patrons.

Issue 51
We are back with a ‘Fall/Autumn’ special issue of our magazine. Designer Briana Luppino drops in for an interview, we also chat with yarn shop owner Bryanne Johnson. There’s articles from Dan and Knitability Editor Jenn, two patrons join us for some special features and Kay gets rather excited about the upcoming ‘Sockoween Event!’
Issue 50
It’s our golden issue! To celebrate fifty issues of Knitability we are so excited to bring you a bumper edition. There’s an exclusive recipe from Kay, Jenn talks all about spinning, we feature articles from knitting friends from opposite sides of the world, Tin Can Knits join us for an interview and sooo much more!!

Issue 49
Spring is in the air folks and with that comes a brand new issue of our magazine! Along the way we talk a little bit about ‘Summer of Stitching 2024’, we interview the designer behind the ‘Emotional Support Chicken’, we share two wonderful articles from Bakery Bear Patrons, Jenn writes about the first ever Philadelphia Yarn Crawl and soooo much more!
Issue 48
Every year from the 1st to 14th February we celebrate ‘Valenvent’. This year that event culminates with a special issue of Knitability. We sit down for a chat with designer Chantal Miyagishima, we also interview the wonderful ladies behind ‘Three by the Sea’ designs. Knitabilities editor, Jenn writes a love letter to winter and Dan previews his upcoming series ‘England: A Castle Nation’.

Issue 47
It is time for our favourite issue of the year!! Yes, its Christmas, and to celebrate we have some much goodness for you its crazy. We feature a lovely interview with designer Charlotte Stone. We find out about Christmas traditions from across the world with Carin Zwanveld. Amy Patterson helps us use up all our Advent mini’s and much more besides!!
Issue 46
As our second annual ‘Sockoween’ event reaches its zenith, we are back with a very special edition of our magazine ‘Knitability’. Join us in issue 46 for interviews with designer Meghan Regan and Yarnbyrds Owner Robin Richey. We feature patron articles, ‘Find the Joy’, and ‘How to Combine your Love of Knitting & Walking. Dan asks if ‘Lightning can Strike Twice’ and Kay shares with you her ‘Sock Knitting Showdown’.

Issue 45
In the latest issue of our magazine we welcome designer Alice Tarry for a wonderful interview. We delve into yoga and knitting to take a look at the potential benefits and Kay writes about her love of ‘Pride & Prejudice’. All this plus all our usual regular features!
Issue 44
Its time for an issue so hot we had to save it for Summer! Crochet designer Alexis Sixel joins us for an interview, Freckled Whimsy’s master dyer stops by for a chat AND Kay shares her ‘Salty Air’ sock recipe EXCLUSIVELY with Knitability readers. All this plus two wonderful articles from our featured patrons. Head to the issue now by clicking read me below….

Issue 43
In the latest issue of our magazine we are so excited to welcome knittings favourite physical therapist, Andrea Lui for a special interview. We also sit down with design Evelyn Buttram for a cup of tea and a chat. Karen Potter and Bonny Smith write our patron articles plus all the usual Knitability goodness from Dan & Kay! Click ‘Read Me’ below to be taken straight to the issue!
Issue 42
In our special Valentine’s Edition of our magazine, we welcome designer Jamie Lomax and maker Addyson Dillingham for interviews. Dan writes about his experience knitting fingering weight garments and Kay shares ‘Some Lovely Things’. All this plus two wonderful articles from our featured patrons. Head to the issue now by clicking read me below….

Issue 41
It is time for our favourite issue of Knitability all year, yes it’s our Christmas special. What better way to kick off this wonderful edition than with an exclusive sock pattern from Kay. Join her as she shares the complete ‘Hobbity Socks’ pattern. Dan shares with you his love of music and he selects for you a festive playlist. We also welcome designer Paula Wiśniewska & maker Jess Strack for very special interviews. All this plus sooo much more!
Issue 40
We have just published a very special edition of our magazine! This year we are celebrating the very first annual Sockoween event. We are producing lots of special content including this wonderful issue. There’s interviews with designer Margaret Stauffacher and maker Whitney Adams, articles from Kay and Dan and sooo much more. Join the fun now and click see more below….

Issue 39
Who’s ready to knit their way into ‘Fall’ with the latest issue of our magazine? After a wonderful ‘Summer of Stitching’ join us as we start to get excited about our next big event, ‘Sockoween’. Dan writes about the history of knitting and we welcome designer Rachel Shaffer & maker Virginia Lewis for very special interviews. All this plus sooo much more!
Issue 38
Our ‘Summer of Stitching’ 2022 approaches its conclusion with the very latest issue of our magazine, Knitability! Kay shares his ‘Jones’ family recipe for ‘Welsh Cakes’. Dan talks inspiration and his new found love of music through the movie ‘Whiplash’. We welcome designer Trysten Molina and maker Emma Goodnight for interviews and soooo much more!

Issue 37
Our ‘Summer of Stitching’ continues with the release of the summer issue of our magazine! This time we feature the wonderful designer Toni Lipsey as she sits down with our editor Jenn for an interview. Outstanding maker Kemper Wray also joins us for a chat. But to really celebrate the season, Kay shares with readers of Knitability exclusively, the pattern for her latest blanket obsession. Click ‘Read Me’ below to be taken straight to the issue!
Issue 36
Welcome the change of seasons with us in our latest issue of our magazine. There’s interviews with Sarah Soloman and Michelle Ziegler, articles from our editor Jenn, Dan and Kay. Lizzie Roberts shares with us the story of her favourite needles and there’s so much more too!! Click ‘Read Me’ to be taken straight to the issue.

Issue 35
We are so delighted to release the latest issue of Knitability. We welcome designers Marna Gilligan & Laura Nelkin plus maker Emma Robinson of Woolly Mammoth Fibre Co. Kay discusses the question, ‘To Stash or Not To Stash’ and Dan writes about his experiences with Parenthood so far. All this plus great Patron articles and all our usual features!
Issue 34
Oh my goodness, its our famous Christmas special edition of Knitability. There are wonderful interviews with Emily Kintigh and Emma Estevens, some great articles and loads of holiday spirit. Click ‘Read me’ to be taken straight to the issue.

Issue 33
Its time for our halloween special!! To celebrate the season we bring you our biggest issue EVER! Theres an interview with designer Helen Stewart and maker Rhichard Devriezes, wonderful articles from Mattie Tatton and Gerrie Cooney plus Kay reviews the Salt Path and Dan writes about his unexpected love of video production.
Issue 32
The latest issue of our magazine celebrates the start of our favourite upcoming season, Autumn! There are wonderful interviews with designer, Mina Philipp and Bente, the master dyer behind the gorgeous Arctic Crafts. All this plus all the usual articles from Dan, Kay and our amazing Bakery Bear Patrons. Click ‘Read me’ to be taken straight to the issue.

Issue 31
In the latest issue of our magazine, you join us as we celebrate the start of summer with an extra special ‘Picnic’ edition. Kay shares a gorgeous frittata recipe, Dan looks into the history of picnics, we welcome Lavanya Patricella for an interview and sooooo much more. Click ‘Read Me’ below and let the summer festivities begin!
Issue 30
Oh my goodness, Knitability just turned 30 issues old! So what better to celebrate than with a special celebration issue. Lolodidit joins us for an interview, we also sit down for a chat with designer Sari Nordlund. But what party would be right without cake and we’ve got you covered there too! All this plus soooo much more. Click ‘Read me’ to be taken straight to the issue.

Issue 29
Join us for the biggest ever issue of our magazine. Whilst this is largest in size, it is even more so in importance as we welcome our brand new editor! There are loads of new features plus all the usual interviews and articles. But this is the start of Knitability’s next chapter and we couldn’t be more excited! Click ‘Read Me’ below to be taken straight to this tremendously exciting issue.
Issue 28
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Who is ready for a hefty dose of festive cheer? Our Christmas edition of Knitability is available to read NOW! Join us for an interview with the gorgeous designer Sophie McKane. The team at Dragon Hill Studios stop by for a chat. Kay shares a festive sock recipe, Dan shares his love of Christmas music and soooo much more….

Issue 27
We are back with the special autumn edition of our magazine, Knitability. This time we welcome Tanis Gray and Alex Collins for interviews. Kay writes about ‘Flapjack Season’ and shares a special recipe. Meshal van der Tang shares her knitting story and Becky Zahurak tells us all about her favourite needles. And of course Dan returns with an article about his love of parenthood.
Issue 26
Its time for the summer edition of our magazine, Knitability! Kay shares with you her inspiration to start baking bread with einkorn flour. Dan tells you about the book which inspires him to find happiness. We interview Ted Walsh from TedKnits UK and Deb Gillanders of Propergansey. We are also delighted to welcome Nicola Nicholson and Aurora Cowles for guest articles.

Issue 25
We are back with another issue of our magazine and we’re so excited! We launch a brand new segment as you join us on a walk to Sycamore Gap. Kay tells us the story behind her ‘Umbrella Socks’. We interview Gabby from Once Upon a Corgi Yarn and designer Diane L. Augustin. All that plus a special article on ‘Staying Motivated’.
Issue 24
Folks, we’ve been looking forward to this issue for six months! If You love colour work garments like Dan does, get ready to meet designer Natela Detura. We also welcome Pixie Yarn for a ‘Meet the Maker’ interview. Kay shares her complete Penguono journey in her article ‘Completed at Last’ and Dan extols the virtues of positive inertia in ‘Keep Moving Foward’. All this and more in the latest issue of our magazine!!!

Issue 23
Oh my goodness!! Our extra special festive issue is HERE!! We meet the wonderful Alicia Plummer, designer of the Campside Shawl among many other wonderful things, we chat with Suzie from Elderflower Stitches. Festive goodness flows through the issue with lots of Christmas chat. Kay shares with us ‘The Joy of Good Plumbing’ (seriously!!), Dan exclaims its ‘The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Jenn DiMaria writes our guest article and our show diary is from Rhinebeck.
Issue 22
Its time for another issue of Knitability!! What an edition we have in store. We have a wonderful interview with the lady behind Golden Pine Creations, Camilyn Crane. We sit down for a chat with Sherry Iris, Dr Sarah Holmes tells us all about her ‘Marie Curie Sock Quest’ plus we share an exclusive cupcake recipe from the kitchen of Mrs Kay Jones!!

Issue 21
Autumn is nearly upon us and we’re delighted to be back with a brand new issue of Knitability. We’re so excited to welcome Rachel Borello Carroll and her Yarnigans, Jooles drops by from Sew Sweet Violet and we take a trip to Unravel in our ‘Show Diary’. Kay is also back with an article all about her ‘Sweater Problem’ and Dan ponders ‘Why precisely do I keep knitting?’
Issue 20
Summer is here and we’re celebrating with this brand new edition of our magazine. Join Dan as he realises summer is more than factor 50 and hay fever. Kay is back with more ‘Monthly Musings’ and she’s raving about a book she’s just read. We have interviews with Meiju K-P and the team behind Birdstreet UK and soooo much more.

Issue 19
Its time for a brand new issue of Knitability and we are just a little bit excited about this one. Join Kay as she sits down with Joji Locatelli! We also meet Jade Prosser of Stitch Mischief. We head to the Carolina Alpaca Celebration event in our ‘Show Diary’ and Olivia Frain shares with us the day she was ‘Stranded’. All this and so much more!!
Issue 18
We are delighted to return with a brand new issue of Knitability. This time we meet Randi K, creator of some truly stunning colour work patterns. Our show diary takes us to Freeport in Maine and the N.E.T.A. Spa Weekend. Christina Hopgood explores the knitting heritage and more in Oslo. Whilst Kay ponders her journey into sock knitting perfection. All this and more in our brand new issue!

Issue 17
We are back with a brand new year of our magazine! We start 2019 with Kay sharing an old family recipe which we think you’ll love. Dan explores how music opened the door to him becoming a knitter. We also discover more about Fibershed in a great article from Leah Ball and so much more!
Issue 16
Its time for our famous holiday special edition!! Kay is back to launch her first ‘Platinum Pattern’ of 2019. Dan writes about Christmas past, we have a special feature all about this years Bakery Bears Advent Calendar. Zaf de Silva joins us for a guest article and we have two wonderful show diaries from opposite sides of the globe! All this AND Kay shares her favourite cookie recipe. Click ‘Read Me’ for a healthy dose of the holiday spirit.

Issue 15
This issue we welcome Rick Najdzion who writes about being a male knitter in the USA. Our show diary comes from Iceland. Kay shares her ‘Little Bit Mossy’ sock recipe. Dan asks ‘What type of a knitter are you’ and we meet designer Marsha Ibuki, and Angela from Ripping Yarns.
Issue 14
Features interviews with crochet designer Sherie Yabsley and shop owner Louisa Sheward. Dan writes about his love of Autumn whilst Kay unveils her first ‘Monthly Musings’. Issue 14’s feature article comes from Leah Ball as she delves into the healing powers of knitting. Plus we feature a show diary from the Perth Festival of Yarn.

Issue 13
Features an article from Kay where she explores her love of socks. Dan discovers ‘How full is YOUR Glass’ in an article focusing on how he stays positive. We welcome the wonderful designer, Melanie Berg for an interview. Plus we meet the ladies behind Makers Merch. Our guest article from Eike Goldammer focuses on the history of knitting. This issues show diary is from Yarningham.
Issue 12
Features interviews with knitting designer Inese Sang and we meet the owner of Duck Pool Lane. Our show diary comes from the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. Kay’s article focuses on knitting her first ever toe up socks whilst Dan uncovers ‘The Messages within Movies’. This issues guest article is from Helen Morton who takes us on ‘her’ journey through crochet and knitting.

Issue 11
Sees us sit down for a chat with Tin Can Knits, we also interview the lovely lady behind Siobhan’s Crafts. Our show diary comes from the Spring into Wool show and we have a feature from Scott Azbill-Salisbury on the Minnesota Yarn Shop Hop. Kay writes about her ‘love’ of summer and Dan explores ‘What IS motivation’.
Issue 10
Features an article from Kay embracing the joy that is ‘The Greatest Showman’. This issue Dan is trying to find the right balance. Our guest article is from Jamie Gangi and her days knitting with Donny Osmond. We meet Kingfisher Knits and Melissa Sibley and our show diary comes from Grace O’Neill and the Edinburgh Yarn Festival.

Issue 9
This issue Dan is VERY excited as we sit down with one of our favourite designers, Jenn Steingass. Leah Ball introduces us to the ‘Slow Clothing Movement’. Kay writes a very personal article about ‘her’ next chapter. Dan discusses the moments that make him adore history. Kay shares a moment with Maya from ‘The Wool Barn’. Finally Louisa Lingwood takes us to the Unravel Show for a little look around.
Issue 8
This issue Kay writes about her search for the perfect book. Dan discovers the absolute joy of knitting garments. We are joined by Sophia Lessard who tells us the story of her great grandmother and the knitting legacy she left behind. We meet designer Benjamin Krudwig and we sit down for a chat with Joyance Fibre Arts. Our show diary comes from Vogue Knitting Live in New York City!

Issue 7
In our very first Christmas Special we are joined by the wonderful Susan B. Anderson for a very special interview. Kay writes of her love of Agatha Christie and a certain Belgian Detective. Dan talks about the joy of an old fashioned family Christmas. Our guest article is from C.J. who tells us the story of her Christmas Past. We meet Barbara Nalewko of KnittingILove and our show diary comes from Festiwool.
Issue 6
This issue Kay extolls ‘The Joy of Toys’. Dan begins his fascination with the routes of knitting as he asks, ‘Where did it all begin’. Jeanette Mortimer tells us of ‘The Shetland Effect’. Kay gets to sit down with the wonderful Julie Williams of ‘Little Cotton Rabbits’ and Dan meets yarn dyer Nicole C. Mendez. In the last library corner Dan reviews ‘Roman Britain -a New History’.

Issue 5
This issue we have a wonderful guest article from Jodi Richards who uncovers the story of ‘Lord Kitchener and Chaffed Toes’. We also meet the Hermione lady, Erica Lueder and Etsy shop vendor Willemijn. Kay writes about her perfect holiday and Dan discusses a ‘Summer to Remember’. Library Corner sees Kay review ‘In the Footsteps of Sheep’ and Dan discusses coffee.
Issue 4
This issue we meet Kelly McClure, designer of the Sockhead Hat. We head ‘Down Sheepy Lane’ as we meet Debbie Dancer. We review Plum Deluxe Tea. Our guest article is from Leah Ball who tells us all about her 100 day plan. Kay is back discussing the speed of life and how she slows things down a little. Dan writes about how he plans his knitting and in turn, his life.

Issue 3
We are delighted in issue 3 to share a very special exclusive knitting pattern by Kay. Within this issue you will find the complete pattern for the Hedgerow Cowl. We also meet the author of Sock Architecture. Kay brings order to chaos and Kim Hines writes about spinning dog hair!
Issue 2
Welcome to our Stuffie Special!! What better way to start the issue than with an article from Kay all about the birth of Mrs Bakery Bear. Who better to welcome in our Meet the Designer segment than the Queen of Stuffie’s Susan Claudino. Dan writes about our new series, ‘The New Adventures of the Bakery Bears’ and Michelle McKean tells us how she ‘Shares the Knowledge’.

Issue 1
Welcome to our very first issue! In Kay’s first ever article she tells us how she designed the Incantation Socks. Our first guest article comes from Victoria Crum who tells us how she finds inspiration. Our very first ‘Meet the Designer’ plus we also welcome the rather lovely Gill from Bertie and Poppet!
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